Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Game over man Review: Alien vs Predator the last of his clan

This is the last of the Gameboy Alien games Ill be reviewing. AVP the last of his clan is a side scrolling beat'em up that puts you in the sandals of a lone hunter who must destroy an out of control hive which is clan allowed to be seeded on a populated planet. To my vast knowledge this is the first ever AvP game so that alone peeked my intrest and I had to buy it.

The graphics have not aged well and the music leaves alot to be desired but in fairness this is the first ever AVP game so cut it a little slack. Hell you got the Predator theme in 8 bit on the intro....what more could you want. The controls are basic as fuck and theres a sweet little menu for selecting the weapons....dont get too excited, you'll hear how sucky they are next.

The Yautja's weapons include Wristblades, Cuttingdisk, Shouldercanon and Bombs. Most are useless other then the cutting disk. Cloak seems only to be there to kill the facehuggers who jump on you. The foes include Facehuggers, Chestbursters and Warriors...along with the Queen boss. The Aliens are the toughest but the do constantly respawn and keep in mind there no medkits in this game at all.

While not a great game you could get a bit of fun outta it for oh the first 20 minutes but after that your going to be bored very fast. AVP the last of his clan for the Game boy is a game for hardcore fans only.

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