Friday, 9 May 2014

Xenomorph caste 5:Drone

Also known as the Lurker the Drone was first encountered buy the crew of the Nostromo. The star beast is somewhat smarter then the warrior it was alive a shorter time period on the ship then the Warriors on LV426 yet still managed to evade capture and death at the hands of the crew. The Drone also seemed to be some what taller hence its other nickname "the Big Chap". With bigger dorsal horns and blade its a sight to be seen.
One other feature that the Nostromo Drone had that the Drones who later appeared in the series lost was the transparent skull. The dome was see through and underneath was a human skull making it even more frighting and savage something I think was lost with the later versions.
However it seem this design is returning with Alien Isolation and with it all the terror of being hunted buy a Lone Xenomorph. Its only fitting too as this was the creature that started it all.

Featured in
Alien Resurrection 
Aliens: Colonial Marines(Xbox 360, PS3)
Alien Isolation (Xbox One,PS4)

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