Thursday, 6 February 2014

Game Over man Review:Aliens Colonial Marines

Oh boy...oh boy oh boy oh boy. Right so this game was years in the making and changed hands more times then was it all we hoped for. Fuck no. Buggy as hell and with some rather unremarkable graphics among other things fans were left foaming at the mouth with rage. Gearbox screwed the pooch and left many baying for blood so your thinking that I was one of them While I wasn't blown away buy it and the glitches annoyed the fuck out of me I rather enjoyed it. I felt what really pissed people off and rightly so was the test footage shown was light years more impressive then the finished product and thats what really cuts the throat of this game.  There is a good game in there despite all the flaws. Here's some of the things I liked that as an Aliens fan I thought made and saved the game.

Weapons and tech is authentic to the Weyland-Yutani universe.
Locations have the atmosphere from the movies.
The Raven section and boss was awesome. As was the Boilers.
The reintroduction of my fan favorite character.
The Stasis Interrupted DLC.

Another thing that made me like it was I thought it was going to be total shit....instead it was disappointing at best but the story was decent..not ground breaking but on par with a Dark Horse story. Winter the marine you play is wooden as is some of the others. The end battle is awesome with you getting in a 3 between xeno's and Weyland-Yutani merc's. People complained that the xeno's were mere canon fodder and to that I say..yes there were but those were the warrior's. Their a soldier type meant for overwhelming not stalking as which the fantastic Lurker did. The legendary weapons were cool although impossible as most were abandoned or destroyed in the explosion on LV426.

All in all while far from a great game it's not as bad as its pegged and if you can get it for €10 and your a fan pick it up if just for the multiplayer.

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