Friday, 14 February 2014

Book Review:Alien Out of the Shadows

I'm a big fan of Steve Perry's novels based on the Dark Horse run of Aliens and collected a number of the books in both the Alien, Predator and AVP formats. However once Perry stopped writing the novels I ignored the newer titles Like Steel egg and Forever Midnight. Over the years I've given graphic novels precedent over novel...not altogether but enough to know I should try and get back into reading paperbacks.
So I decided to treat myself to reading Tim Lebbon's new alien novel. This was a mistake indeed.

((Spoilers ahead))

The story takes place 37 years after Alien and 20 years before Aliens. The crew of the mining vessel Marion came face to face with a xenomorph infestation and are knocked into a decaying orbit. Salvation come in the form of wait for it.....Ellen Ripley. Yes Ripley had another encounter with the fucking bugs. People may bitch about Hicks in Aliens Colonial Marines but you know what he made sense in that story.....this story is fucking aweful. Turns out Ash downloaded his A.I in the the Narcissus craft and intercepted the Marions S.O.S wanting another chance to bag a live xeno. The crew come up with one of the most batshit plan ever thought up ((acid guns on the Aliens anyone!)) and most end up as bug chow or being melt or impregnated. They find another Alien Queen and kill it. In the battle Ripley's injured and while being healed begs for her memories to be wiped. Hence why this event is never brought up at gate way. So the writer for continuity turned Ripley into C3PO at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Hooper the only likable and developed character in the story is left marooned in a dropship and no mention of this has ever poped up in the Aliens universe expanded or otherwise.

This books is a waste of time and money. Theres some good idea's but they'v already been done (Call put her A.I into the Auriga in Resurrection) Chis Hooper a good character but he has nothing to work with. Lebbon does do a good vision of how aweful space really is but he cant write action, cant write suspense and sure as shit cant write an Alien novel.

Do yourself a favor. Pick up one of the reprints of the Steve Perry books or even the Alan Dean Foster movie novels but give this book a wide fucking birth. Theres two more in this series buy different writers but if this is the quality of those books Ill be taking my own advice.

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