Monday, 24 February 2014

Top five best xeno kills in the movies.

So xeno's are fucking lethal so when you take one out its not only a victory...its a fucking miracle showing that who ever bags a xeno is indeed the ultimate badass.

The wolf easily dispatch's a xeno in one of the rare cool moments in an otherwise let down of a film.

(4) Shower time
Ripley takes out the Runner xeno who's encased in boiling lead.

(3) Real nice party
Johnner takes out a xenomorph who hunts the Betty crew through the flooded compartment.
(2) No fly zone fella
Scar kills a facehugger mid pounce.

(1)Eat this!
Hicks wants to leave....a xeno wont let him. They've come to an impasse

Big thanks to Movie Gifs Net and

Sunday, 23 February 2014

The saving graces of the AVP movies.

While neither movies do any justice to the franchise's there are some standout moments in the flicks which pay homage the other movies, comics and games.

The satellite Queen.
At the start of AVP one we get a glimpse of what appears to be the Queen floating in space however as the camera pans back its reviled to be a Weyland  satellite....a wicked yet cool tease to say the least.

Bishop Weyland pen trick
The fact they got Lance back as Charles Bishop Weyland is awesome but the fact they made it that he designed the andriod in his likeness and may have even programmed the line to do his five finger fillet trick which he seemed to play as a human with a pen.

Wake up call.
At the start of Alien it shows a number of helmets activating the ships computer's to wake up the crew. In AVP the Predator helmets do likewise suggesting that Predtech went into Weyland-Yutani vessels.

Face off.
After so many comicbooks, novels and video games we finally got it. The battle we've all been waiting for and while it never really lives up to our expectations it still pretty cool. The moment both beasts came into the frame I got goose bumps.
Captured Queen
A huge element they they took from the Dark Horse Avp comics that the Predator's bred Xenomorph via a captive queen and this was done perfectly in the movie.

Another element from the comic that made it to the big screen was the Predalien and while Im not fan of the end was cool to see the creature make into the movie.

Life on a predator ship
One of two things that AVP:R did was show more of the Predator culture. The opening showed us what a life on a predator ship is like. The trophy room was awesome.

The Predator Homeworld
Another cool thing was seeing the Predator Homeworld. Temples,jungles and screamed Predator.

The Wolf
This Yautja Cleaner is named after Harvey Keitel and based off Broken Tusk from the first AVP comic. This is one badass predator.

Ms Yutani
Another thing that AVP:R did was introduce the head of Yutani corp and like the prior movie shed more light on the Alien lore. It also show how Wayland Yutani came buy predtech allowing them pioneer space travel.

So there you are...a few reasons why the movies dont totally suck. So if your a fan dont be ashamed if you like them...Im not.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Somebody Woke up Hicks again: The many incarnations of Dwayne Hicks.

Right believe it or believe it not Aliens: Colonial Marines isnt the first attempt to bring back everyones favorite grunt. Despite being apparently killed off at the start of Alien 3 there have been a number of versions of Hicks.

David Wilks
When Dark Horse started their Alien line with Earth War the story continued after the events of Aliens having  Hicks and Newt take on the xenomorphs once more. However when the books went back to print Alien3 came out so Newt became Billie and Hicks became Wilks to avoid confusion, When I read those comic in my head I still use the names Hicks and Newt regardless and you can still get editions where they didnt change the names. As for Wilks character he still is haunted from the events of Aliens and is very cold and unfeeling...much like the way he was in the game. His scaring is much more severe.

Aliens Hive Wars
God bless you Kenner. Didnt matter if we were too young to see the movie or if the range was nothing like the flick it was based on you made some savage toys. The last of the Kenner Aliens/Predator range was a thing called Hive Wars and their version of Hicks was awesome and silly in equal measure. He looks like a cyber solider with an eyepatch and a mechanical arm. I get that he got injured in the end of Aliens but its Hicks not Alex Murphy. Despite this its still a cool figure and he comes with a robot dog....maybe its got Bishops A.I...wouldnt that be a fun movie.

Xenomorph caste 3: Runner

While not a much loved Alien movie Alien3 for me is still pretty awesome and one of the elements which made it so was the introduction of the Runner xenomorph (The term Dog Alien was dropped buy many fans with the revelation of the alternate cut). Alien3 showed us that the xeno would take on elements of what ever creature it facehugged. In Alien3 a Dog/Ox depending on which cut you watched.
As a result the beast chose a quadrupedal stance over two legs as its legs were longer then a human spawned xeno. It also lack dorsal horns and seemed to prefer to kill the convicts on sight( although this could have been it protecting the unborn queen Ripley was carrying) One could also speculate that because of a more basic host it do's not have the smarts to harvest the convicts for the maturing queen.

The beast could reach powerful levels of speed equal to a jungle cat be it walking on any surface. The "Dragon" as Golic called it has the highest kill count of one single Alien in any of the movies.

The creature would turn up in a number of games and be one of the more unique foes with its speed and agility.

Featured in
Alien Trilogy(PS1)
Aliens vs Pradator 2(pc)
Aliens vs Predator Extinction (Xbox/PS2)
Aliens vs Predator 2010 (xbox360/PS3)

Friday, 14 February 2014

Game over man Review: Alien Trilogy

So the first ever game I ever played was Alien Trilogy for the Playstation. The plot is an alternate take on Aliens and Alien3. Ripley and a platoon of Marines come to LV426 to check on the colony only for the entire unite bar Ripley (Sporting her Alien3 buzzcut )  and Bishop (sounding like Matt Tracker of Mask) to be left to deal with the xenos. So the games a basic Doom clone FPS thats set in the aliens universe. The graphics at the time were good but havent aged well and the xeno's them selves are sprites along with the other foes you fight. These Include. Warrior's,Runner's both newborn and adult, Chestbursters, Facehuggers and 3 Queens. You also have an array of Weyland Yutani merc's that include colonies private security, Combat Synthetic's, Weyland's personal marine core and Wayland Yutani Commandos. Some foes go down easy while other want to soak up as much of your ammo as possible before shoving you into the here-after.

The Weapons include, Pistol, Shotgun, Flamethrower,Pulse-Rifle and Smartgun along with some explosives. Pickups are plentyful and a you'll need them on later levels as the warrior's just want to make you empty clip after clip into them.

While it has not aged well I still find myself playing it and enjoying the levels fairly accurate layout and movies relics like the APC's in the garage, The E.E.V in the main Prison chamber and the Jockey's body in the Boneship. The weapons and enemies are cool and if your an Aliens fan you'll love them.

The story goofs up alot of things like the prison being on LV426 and not Fury or how the Atmosphere processors melt down is going blow the planet and not just the colony but its a Doom Clone.
Last but not least at least let yourself die once to check out the Death FMV's.Its rather hard now to come buy but if you search online you can find a cheap copy on Ebay or in your local thrifty.  So while its not an amazing game now it still is fun and if your an Alien fan like me you gotta pick it up.

Oh and for all you cheating bastards here's a code you might want.

Book Review:Alien Out of the Shadows

I'm a big fan of Steve Perry's novels based on the Dark Horse run of Aliens and collected a number of the books in both the Alien, Predator and AVP formats. However once Perry stopped writing the novels I ignored the newer titles Like Steel egg and Forever Midnight. Over the years I've given graphic novels precedent over novel...not altogether but enough to know I should try and get back into reading paperbacks.
So I decided to treat myself to reading Tim Lebbon's new alien novel. This was a mistake indeed.

((Spoilers ahead))

The story takes place 37 years after Alien and 20 years before Aliens. The crew of the mining vessel Marion came face to face with a xenomorph infestation and are knocked into a decaying orbit. Salvation come in the form of wait for it.....Ellen Ripley. Yes Ripley had another encounter with the fucking bugs. People may bitch about Hicks in Aliens Colonial Marines but you know what he made sense in that story.....this story is fucking aweful. Turns out Ash downloaded his A.I in the the Narcissus craft and intercepted the Marions S.O.S wanting another chance to bag a live xeno. The crew come up with one of the most batshit plan ever thought up ((acid guns on the Aliens anyone!)) and most end up as bug chow or being melt or impregnated. They find another Alien Queen and kill it. In the battle Ripley's injured and while being healed begs for her memories to be wiped. Hence why this event is never brought up at gate way. So the writer for continuity turned Ripley into C3PO at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Hooper the only likable and developed character in the story is left marooned in a dropship and no mention of this has ever poped up in the Aliens universe expanded or otherwise.

This books is a waste of time and money. Theres some good idea's but they'v already been done (Call put her A.I into the Auriga in Resurrection) Chis Hooper a good character but he has nothing to work with. Lebbon does do a good vision of how aweful space really is but he cant write action, cant write suspense and sure as shit cant write an Alien novel.

Do yourself a favor. Pick up one of the reprints of the Steve Perry books or even the Alan Dean Foster movie novels but give this book a wide fucking birth. Theres two more in this series buy different writers but if this is the quality of those books Ill be taking my own advice.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Game Over man Review:Aliens Colonial Marines

Oh boy...oh boy oh boy oh boy. Right so this game was years in the making and changed hands more times then was it all we hoped for. Fuck no. Buggy as hell and with some rather unremarkable graphics among other things fans were left foaming at the mouth with rage. Gearbox screwed the pooch and left many baying for blood so your thinking that I was one of them While I wasn't blown away buy it and the glitches annoyed the fuck out of me I rather enjoyed it. I felt what really pissed people off and rightly so was the test footage shown was light years more impressive then the finished product and thats what really cuts the throat of this game.  There is a good game in there despite all the flaws. Here's some of the things I liked that as an Aliens fan I thought made and saved the game.

Weapons and tech is authentic to the Weyland-Yutani universe.
Locations have the atmosphere from the movies.
The Raven section and boss was awesome. As was the Boilers.
The reintroduction of my fan favorite character.
The Stasis Interrupted DLC.

Another thing that made me like it was I thought it was going to be total shit....instead it was disappointing at best but the story was decent..not ground breaking but on par with a Dark Horse story. Winter the marine you play is wooden as is some of the others. The end battle is awesome with you getting in a 3 between xeno's and Weyland-Yutani merc's. People complained that the xeno's were mere canon fodder and to that I say..yes there were but those were the warrior's. Their a soldier type meant for overwhelming not stalking as which the fantastic Lurker did. The legendary weapons were cool although impossible as most were abandoned or destroyed in the explosion on LV426.

All in all while far from a great game it's not as bad as its pegged and if you can get it for €10 and your a fan pick it up if just for the multiplayer.

Xenomorph caste 2: Predalien

The Predalien is a savage bi-product Yaujita born xenomorph. First feature in AVP war it was more sturdy and robust then your standard xenomorph killing a detachment of marines swiftly and with ease. The Predator race considers the beast a violation of their religion and must be killed on sight.
While the more obvious traits of the predalien are its dredds and jowls of the predator its also has taken it's strength.

In AVP:R one got loose in Gunnison Colorado and started a hive via impregnation of female this because it was a Predalien or because it was a Praetorian is still unknown. When combating a Predalien Marines are advised to use a Smartgun or a Sadar. When a Predator fights the creature it uses a Smartdisc or Combistick. What ever weapon one choose's their is no doubt the Predalien is a savage and frightening foe.

Featured in
Aliens vs Predator War(Darkhorse comics)
Aliens vs Predator(pc)
Aliens vs Pradator 2(pc)
Aliens vs Predator Extinction (Xbox/PS2)
AVPR(20thCentFOX2007)Aliens vs Predator 2010 (xbox360/PS3)