Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Interview with Aliens super fan Giz O'Shaughnessy.

I decided to have a quick chat with Giz O'Shaughnessy contributor to the Emerald Gore Society and Aliens super fan.

Martin: Which of the Aliens franchise was your favorite and why?

Giz: While I love the films (yes even the ones considered bad by most) and tend to read a lot of books, I have to admit that it's the comics aspect of the franchise that really apeals to me. First off, alot of the novels were just expanded adaptaions of comic stories which means I've already gone through them. Secondly, while the Aliens franchise might have started in movie form it's fairly obvious that the first 2 films were the best. And that is exactly where the original stories start off, dealing with what happens with Newt, Hicks and later on Ripley after the events of Aliens. From there, we have a multitude of stories dealing with humanities misadventures with the universes perfect killing machines. Where the films focus on Ripley (they may aswell be called the Adventures of Ripley :P) and the games tend to be military shoot'em ups (I admit, I don't play that many video games.....except for a select few childhood variants) in the comics we get to explore more ground within the Aliens universe. Plus, it's always cool to see some  new way of throwing a potential nightmare at people in possibly one of the scariest environs ever, the unknown vastness of space

Martin: Which  Aliens character was your favorite and why?

Giz: Honestly? The Xenomorphs themselves. At the end of the day, we don't watch the films, play the games or read the books because we care about the humans. Lets face it, we're in this for those cute and cudely killing machines. And yeah, maybe we want to see if the main protagonist makes it through the needle teethed tunnel of death in one piece. But that wanting pales in comparisson to the longing to see one of the sci/fi horror industries best loved creatures doing what they do best, killing, eating and propagating.....Kinda like that other universal virus known as humanity. That being said, the cigar smoking, plasma gun wielding, smart ass, Synthetic Alien known as Jeri was cool ;)

Martin: Where would you like to see the Alien franchise go considering the mess that was Prometheus?

Giz: Um, how about in it's own direction like Promethius did? Seriously, I don't know why sci/fi fans give that film such a hard time. Was it because you all wanted another installment of The Adventures of Ripley with a different actor or did no one understand the notion that this film was supposed to deal with a specieces that wasn't Xenomorphs? Cus guess what, that's what it did. Far as I'm concerned, it was a very good science fiction story (sorry there wasn't enough fast paced action for the masses to get into :P ) dealing with one of the oldest questions us higher function cave dwellers have ever come up with: Who are we and where did we come from? Simple as that. So it happens to be set in the same unviverse and focuses on an expadition from the infamous Wayland (without Yutani) corp. Hell, if anything it gives us all the answer to a near forgotton question: How in the name and honor of the Gods did The Nostromo's computer know what kind of signal to be on the lookout for when it woke her crew? As to the issue of whether or not we got to see the origions of a Xenomorph in what seemed to be completly to late a date to correspond with what was found in Alien, I have this simple question to ask: What's the difference between ebola and Anthrax? Sure, they look a little different and attack things in different ways, but your still just as dead at the end of things. It is stated in the film that they walked into a weapons lab. It is stated there were multiple ships. It can be surmised that there were multiple strains of living weapons being worked on by a species who knew their way around genetics like a master painters know's their way around a canvase. The future of The Alien film franchise has nothing to do with promethius or what they may do in any of their sequals, it instead depends on what we chose to do with a genetically engenired killing machine that has been the stuff of nightmares since 1979. But maybe no more Ripley, eh? She had a good run, but it's time to find some new blood to shed :)

You can check out more from Giz and the rest of the Emerald Gore Society here at the link below.
and heres their facebook

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