Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Xenomorph caste 1:praetorian

While never featured in the movies this is one caste that has appeared a number of times in the comic and video game part of  the universe. Described as the Queen's royal guard Praetorians are smaller then queen but bigger then a warrior or drone. Their crown is like the Queens but their body is more like a warrior with the dorsal horns and back blade. They are savage in their attack and while they lack the ability to crawl on walls they make up for it in speed and in endurance. When combating a Praetorian in any a fight heavy weapons are suggested. If your a marine and have a M41A Pulse Rifle use the gernade launcher or if your a Predator use the spear or a fully charged Plasma Caster blast. Another idea about the Praetorian's is that they are juvanile queens and once their charge is dead the two guards must fight to the death and remaining beast will molt into the Queen.
Some have also suggested that the Predalien in AVP:R was a Praetorian with her odd shaped crown and giving she was able to implant chestbursters into host's although this might have just been an ability solely belonging to a Predalien.
Given the savage nature and unique design it would be cool to see such a beast in one of the future films.

Featured in
Aliens Genocide (Darkhorse comics)
Aliens vs Predator(pc)
Aliens vs Pradator 2(pc)
Aliens vs Predator Extinction (Xbox/PS2)
Aliens vs Predator 2010 (xbox360/PS3)

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